AIF Law Firm

20 years of experience

Debt collection

Rapid negotiations Obtaining indisputability Return of commission from the debtor

Economic intelligence

Determination of property Property determination Sprawdzanie wiarygodności


4 X cheaper court – ESĄD Paulian complaint
Against the board


Rapid negotiations
Obtaining uncontested claims
Full representation of the client

Legal advice

Company operations and taxation
Property and inheritance matters
Consumer insolvency

AIF Law Firm

20 years of experience

Debt collection

Rapid negotiations Obtaining indisputability Return of commission from the debtor

Economic intelligence

Determination of property Property determination Sprawdzanie wiarygodności


4 X cheaper court – ESĄD Paulian complaint
Against the board


Rapid negotiations
Obtaining uncontested claims
Full representation of the client

Legal advice

Company operations and taxation
Property and inheritance matters
Consumer insolvency


8 years of experience

We are a modern law firm established in 2002 in Poland. Our main activity is collecting debts, turnover of claims and business information for small and medium companies.

Effectiveness of debt recovery

The operating correlation of limited liability company with legal actions of the AIF Law Office has effects in high effectiveness in the realization of enforcing claims. We pride ourselves on high rate of debt recovery by arranging a matter amicably.