Doing business is associated with a number of risks arising from inaccurate laws and practices of unfair contractors. Conclusion of important contracts should be preceded by legal analysis of contracts, whereof the entrepreneur often forgot.

Our advice before entering into a contract is:

1.      Verifying basic information about prospective contractor.

2.      Clarifying the conditions of  payment.

3.      Reviewing the terms of the agreement, especially in respect of errors or inaccurate entries.

4.      Checking with the documentation of the company, whether the agreement is signed by the authorized person.

5.      In the case of the long-term agreement, incorporating a clause of valorization allowing price increases based for example on inflation.

6.      Precise determination of the object of the contract.

7.      Determination of the specific date of carrying out service.

Determination of stipulated penalty for not carrying out service or delaying of the payment.